Boycotts and Divestment
(Compiled by Mazin Qumsiyeh) scroll to bottom for links to resources and ongoing campaigns
"Every few weeks some international body issues a report directly linking the policy of restricted movement imposed by Israel on the occupied territories and the state of economic deterioration there.....The countries issuing the warnings continue to purchase Israeli manufactured arms and other security-related products. They host military officers who are directly responsible for the killing of hundreds of Palestinian citizens and fervently implement the siege policy. They invite Israeli ministers who are responsible for the economic and social de-development of a whole people."Words instead of actions By Amira Hass, Haaretz
Occupation, colonization, and oppression require resources: monetary, physical, public relaions (propaganda), and diplomatic. Money comes from direct aid (e.g. several billions per year in US aid), sale of products (even to the occupied people), tourism, and from foreign companies investing in the country engaged in occupation. Targeting all sources of money by political action and economic boycotts is thus a very effective way of resistance. In the case of controlled economies, the occupation tries to limit options for buying other products. Using creative ways to find alternative products is thus required in some cases. Boycotts are important tools and not just for products but for academic and cultural aspects. No laws can force someone to buy things that support oppression or to interact with entities and individuals taht are part of the system of oppression. Divestments require removinfg financial support that prop the oppressive system. Sanctions are tools to prevent dealings with oppressive governments or other entities. These three elements: Boycotts, Divestments, and Sanctions (BDS) work in tandem.
BDS started with the inception of Zionism just like in South Africa it startted with the inception of Apartheid. However, in both cases it gained momentum decades later. In the case of Palestine, here is just a brief outline that illustrates this gathering historical momentum.
Brief History of Boycotts, Divestments, and sanctions**:
- 1880s and 1890s: Palestinians whose lands are taken call for no cooperation with Zionist colonies. Palestinian representatives in the Ottoman Parliament protest against ongoing colonization
- 1930s Strikes and boycotts directed at both British and Zionist interests. Uprising of 1936 started nonviolently with strikes and was brutally suppressed.
- 1948 and beyond: Divestment, boycotts and sanctions start at very low levels and in some cases supported verbally by Arab states (although behind the scenes collaboration).
- First uprising/Intifada (1987-1991): non-violent methods used including calls for BDS
- Gush Shalom calls for boycott of Settlement products 1997
- Israelis and Jews call for BDS April 2001 (
- Concordia University Students April 2001
- United Methodist Council of Bishops calls for sanctions May 2001
- Palestine Solidarity Campaign launched the Boycott Israeli Goods Campaign in the House of Commons on the 4th July 2001.
- Lutheran church called on the U.S. government " to withhold all economic and military aid to Israel until it improves conditions for Palestinians. August 2001
- Columbia University November 2002
- Caterpillar Campaign Launched 2003
- Jewish Voice for Peace 2003
- Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice, Ann Arbor 05/2003
- US Presbyterian church to start divestment procedure July 2004
- Italian Campaign launched 2004
- French Campaign launched 2004
- Norway 2004
- National Lawyers Guild 10/2004
- Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU). 10/04
- Jews Against The Occupation, New York, NY 11/04
- Presbyterian Church U.S.A. (PCUSA) targets Caterpillar, Motorolla, Citigropoup, and ITT November 2004
- University of Wisconsin Divestment Camnpaign December 2004
- ICAHD (Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions) calls for sanctions. 1/2005
- Not in My Name (NIMN) 01/2005
- Coalition for Justice and Peace in Palestine, Quebec 12/05
- World Council of Churches urges member churches to consider divestment February 2005
- New Profile (Israeli group) 02/2005
- Corrie Family Lawsuit vs. Caterpillar, Inc. (3/15/05).
- York and Hull District Methodist Synod, England. 4/05.
- Roman Catholic Mercy Investment Program, Sisters of Mercy, Maryknoll Sisters, Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia, Sisters of Loretto and Jewish Voice for Peace. 4/05
- Dance Europe (17000 people) for cultural boycott
- European Jews for a Just Peace (EJJP) 2005
- South African Council of Churches (SACC). 5/2005
- US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation 2005
- Sabeel Spring 2005
- European Coordinating Committee of NGOs on the Question of Palestine (ECCP), 7/05
- United Methodist Church, Virginia, June 2005
- Vlaams Palestina Komitee. Flanders. 6/05
- Palestinian Civil Society Call to Action July 2005
- UN International Civil Society Conference July 2005
- Anglican church of Kenya July 2005
- United Church of Christ July 2005
- Veterans for Peace 08/05
- Global Exchange 8/2005
- Episcopalian Executive Council (US), 10/05
- Green Party, US, 11/05
- Anglican Church of Canada, 11/05
- The Norwegian Provincial Parliament of the Soer-Trondeleim district, 12/05
- Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), Canadian Section 12/05
- Anglican Church of England "to disinvest from companies profiting from the illegal occupation" 02/2006
- (British) Architects and Planners for Justice in Palestine, 2/06
- The Interfaith Group for Morally Responsible Investment (IMRI)-UK 02/2006
- OISM Italy boycott actions at Olympic Games in Milan 02/2006
- PSM Washington Feb 2006
- Collectif Urgence Palestine (CUP) (Swiss) 03/2006
- Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice 04/06
- Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) May 2006
- Presbyterian Church of Scotland, May 2006
- UNISON June 2006
- Presbyterian Church, USA 2006 General Assembly, June 2006
- Pax Christi Catholic International Peace Movement., July 2006
- Religious Society of Friends (Quakers): Atlanta Meeting (Georgia), 7/06, and Olympia Meeting (Washington State). 8/06
- The United Church of Canada (Presbyterian, Methodist, United Church of Christ). 8/06
- Gaza University Teachers� Association calls for academic and cultural boycott of Israel July 2006
- Stanford University Fall 2006
- Jews for a Just Peace, Vancouver, Canada 8/06
- Dublin Tram System, 8/06
- Palestinian Filmmakers, Artists and Cultural Workers Call for a Cultural Boycott. 8/06
- Edinburgh International Film Festival boycotts Israeli films 8/2006
- U2U, Belgian Hi-Tech Company refuses to use matrial made in Israel 9/06
- United Nations International Conference of Civil Society in Support of Middle East Peace, 9/06
- Anglican Church of England. Virginia Water Parish, Guildford Diocese takes steps on ist own 10/06
- Palestine Solidarity Campaign-Ireland calls for boycott of Israeli daimonds 11/2006
- ASN Bank, Holland, 11/06
- Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) succeeds in getting Israeli products off shelves November 2006
- FAWU - Food and Allied Workers Union, South Africa. 1/07
- Sanctions Against Israel Coalition - South Africa branch. 1/07
- Global Palestine Solidarity (GPS) campaign include conflic diamonds (Israel processed diamonds) 2/07
- Women in Black Boycotts Israel Philharmonic in Los Angeles (2/07)
- British Jews for Boycotting Israel 2007
- Israeli citizens support BDS 2007
- 130 British doctors call for a boycott of the Israeli Medical Association and its expulsion from the World Medical Association. 05/07
- National Union of Journalists-UK. 5/07
- Northern Ireland's biggest trade union NIPSA 2007
- People's Food Co-op - Ann Arbor. 6/07
- New England Conference of the United Methodist Church issues recommendations for divestment June 2007
- Transport and General Workers Union (TGWU) July 2007
- Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU). 7/07
- The Jewish Voice. Germany 8/07
- Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA), 8/07
- University and College Union (UCU), England 2007
** Some of this information is taken from the detailed report "BOYCOTT, DIVESTMENT, AND SANCTIONS: AN INTERNATIONAL CAMPAIGN ON BEHALF OF PALESTINIAN HUMAN RIGHTS AND A JUST AND VIABLE PEACE IN ISRAEL-PALESTINE: A Survey of Diverse Approaches to Ethical Economic Engagement Adopted by Groups and Individuals Worldwide" August 2007 An Ongoing Review by the Palestine-Israel Action Group (PIAG), a subcommittee of the Peace and Social Concerns Committee of Ann Arbor Friends Meeting. Send requests for complete e-file with details to
A Jewish Israeli group called Matzpun (Hebrew for conscience; calls for boycott of Israeli products. In April 2001, Students of Concordia University (Montreal) voted in favor of a motion calling upon the government of Canada to hold the state of Israel accountable to international law. British citizens and members of the British parliament also called a boycott last year.
The motion reads as follows:
"We the students of Concordia call upon the Canadian government to put pressure on the Israeli government to respect all international laws, in particular UN security council resolutions and the Geneva 4th convention on Human Rights. This pressure should include cutting diplomatic and economic ties with the Israeli state.
We also call on the Canadian government to pressure the state of Israel to grant the Palestinians an economically viable state and the right of return of all Palestinian refugees to their homeland."
The nation's largest Lutheran church called on the U.S. government " to withhold all economic and military aid to Israel until it improves conditions for Palestinians." (The Los Angeles Times, August 11, 2001). The city of Ann Arbor received a resolution calling for Divestment. Later a group of Israeli professors sent a letter to the city council calling for divestment.
Intel's president and chief executive Craig Barrett said, June 18 2001 on a visit to Israel, that Intel is reconsidering a $3 billion plus expansion of the company's Kiryat Gat plant (built on the lands of Iraq Al Manshiya) due to "the current economic climate and industry slowdown" (Jerusalem Post June 19). This followed an initial call by Al-Awda for activists to contact Intel to protest their investments in Israel. Over 2000 letters were sent to Intel based on that call. After he announcement of the delay in expansion, Intel also worked with the Jordanian government to facilitate introduction of computers in schools. Intel is also helping ANERA, the American Near East Refugee Aid. However, the campaign will continue and articles and opinion pieces on this have also published in newspapers in the Arab World including: Al Dustour (Jordan), Al Watan (Qatar), Al Hayat, Al Safeer (Lebanon), Al-Quds, Al Ayyam (Palestine), Al Ahram (Cairo), Al-Watan (Kuwait), and Al-Khaleej (United Arab Emirates). As a result of our initial alert, we also identified other refugees from Iraq Al Manshiya.
In 2000 Intel exported products valued at $2 billion from Israel, of which $1.3 billion were from a plant in "Kiryat Gat" called FAB-18. Intel's Israeli facilities are slated to manufacture a large portion of Intel's Pentium 4 chips. The plant site is located on land that belongs to the Palestinian village of Iraq al Manshiya.
Meron Benvensti wrote in his book "Sacred Landscape: the Buried History of the Holy Land Since 1948" (Berkeley: Univ. of Calif. Press, 2000, p. 156): "The signing of the armistice agreement did not put an end to the expulsions (by Israel). In late February 1949, the remaining inhabitants of the township of Faluja and the village of Iraq al-Manshiyya...were expelled. Approximately 3,000 people were ejected from their communities, despite Israel's having guaranteed that they could remain there with full security to themselves, their homes, and all their property." He also added in page 318: "In Iraq al-Manshiyya...the remnants of the village of 2000 (approximately 300 houses, two mosques, and a school) have been swallowed up by the industrial park of the city of Kiryat Gat. "
According to the Israeli historian Benny Morris, the expulsion was achieved by "intimidation using all means". For more information see: Intel should not participate and allow Israel to have economic benefits from the illegal dispossession of Palestinians. Israel is denying Palestinian refugees their right of return to their lands and homes which it is occupying. This right is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Law, and is supported by numerous UN resolutions.
Boycotts and divestment efforts received a significant boost from the World Court Ruling on Illegality of the Israeli Apartheid/segregation Wall built on Palestinian land. Divestment actions were recently taken by the Episcopal Church, the Presbyterian Church. There was also a resolution by the world Council of Churches
Violating U.S. customs rules by fraud, Israel exports products manufactured and labeled as "Made in Israel" when they are really not made in the State of Israel. A good example is the Israeli manufacturer and exporter AHAVA and its U.S. counterpart AHAVA (USA) Inc. These companies and by extension the Israeli government violates basic rules of origin (issuing fraudulent certificates of origin). This puts the United States in a position that includes violation of international law. The AHAVA products are manufactured in an Israeli settlement, illegally established on occupied Palestinian territory. The international community regards the Gaza, West Bank including Jerusalem, as areas occupied by Israel (and not part of the state of Israel). As such, these areas are subject to provisions of both The Hague Regulations of 1907 and the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 (see UNSC 242, 338, UN Doc. S/INF/29). The Israeli annexation of Jerusalem following its occupation was also declared illegal by the international community (see UNSC 465, 904) including the US government.
The certificate of origin for cosmetics products made by AHAVA states that the products are manufactured in the "State of Israel". There are clear boundaries to the internationally recognized borders of Israel and the "State of Israel" does not include the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem.
Consistent with the obligations of the United States under international law, all trade relations with Israel have limited their scope of territorial applicability, on the part of Israel, to the "territory of the State of Israel," excluding the occupied territories, and, therefore, Israeli settlements.
This determination follows from Paragraph 49 of the Geneva Convention, to which the United States is a signatory. This paragraph prohibits any occupying country from transferring or exiling part of its civilian population into the area that it occupies. The recent establishment of the International Court of Justice also includes paragraphs that refer to this and relating to considering settlement activity as war crimes. The US government has endorsed this court and the US is thus subject to its jurisdiction.
This is also the official interpretation of the European Commission, as shown by a communication drafted in May 1998: "Preferential access to Community markets for exports originating in Israeli settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and those from East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights contravene agreed rules of origin because under public international law, these territories do not form part of the State of Israel."
AHAVA is a more obvious example but there are many Israeli companies that violate these regulations regularly. We should that every Israeli company must certify that none of its products are manufactured in the occupied areas including the annexed areas of E. Jerusalem. This avoids the US in being complicit in violating the Geneva Convention (which also prohibits states from profiting from illegal activities such as transferring populations to the occupied territory of another country).
We also started academic boycotts both in Europe and the US. A good website to look at is See also Exhibit 21 for a discussion of this issue. The struggle against South African apartheid was initiated and succeed because of divestment and disinvestment campaigns that put the economic and moral pressure on South African whites. When they realized that they would be better off economically by discarding the racist ideology, the last remaining nail in the coffin of Apartheid was placed. The same will happen with the reincarnation of apartheid in the form of Palestinian Bantustans. The same forces must be deployed.
When students organized the first divestment conference in the US, the Financial times wrote the day before: "When student activists from 70 US universities descend on the University of Michigan for a conference tomorrow, companies and investors will be watching closely.. the campaigners have been successful in raising the profile of the Palestinian cause" (Victoria Griffith, "Insults fly in hallowed halls as students oppose Israeli links: A national campaign by student activists aimed at academic institutions comes to a head tomorrow, writes Victoria Griffith", Financial Times, 11 October 2002).
The Chronicle of Higher Education also wrote a lengthy article detailing especially the Zionist organized protests even though quoting many of the Jewish leaders of he divestment conference. Here are quotes from the part that talk about the organized protests:
"Pro-Israel student groups staged counterprotests before, during, and after the conference, calling the event anti-Semitic. Comparing their goals to those of college students two decades ago who successfully urged colleges to sell investments with ties to apartheid South Africa, students from more than 70 colleges spent two days listening to academics and Arab-American leaders make the case for divestment as a response to what they described as Israel's extensive human-rights violations. ......The conference drew far more opponents than participants. ...Down the street from Hillel, in an unlit room of Chabad House, another Jewish student center, Rabbi Avi Weiss, who had come from New York to rally Jewish students in protests, blessed Jewish students and warned them of the"evil" at the conference. "But, rabbi," asked one student, "would one form of activism be to go in and hear what they have to say?" "Should I be scared?" the student added. "I'm serious. Are any activists going inside? I want to go inside." "It's too dangerous," warned the rabbi.....Late Sunday, Jewish students who had traveled here from Barnard College and Columbia, New York, and Yeshiva Universities lay still on the sidewalk in front of the conference site, "re-enacting" the recent bombing at Hebrew University, in Jerusalem, by a Palestinian terrorist..." (Richard Morgan, "Vested Interests: A student movement critical of Israel gains steam and attracts scorn" Chronicle of Higher Education, October 25, 2002)
Several leading Zionists thus advanced the idea that such actions are anti-Semitic. Lawrence Summers, Harvard University's president, claimed publicly that work to boycott and divest from Israel is 'anti-semitic' if not in its intent then "in its effect". His administration later claimed he was speaking in a personal capacity. But every decent human being should have spoken out against such a high level malicious attack on a legitimate form of non-violent action against apartheid and occupation Israeli policies.
The associated Press reported on this movement:
E-mail by e-mail, teach-in by teach-in, students and professors at institutions like the University of California, Harvard, MIT and Princeton are backing the Palestinian cause by campaigning to get U.S. universities out of stocks that do business in Israel.....
They are modeling their effort on the divestment movement that helped topple apartheid. They have run into strong opposition on campus. The Anti-Defamation League sees an attempt to ``demonize Israel, through the propagation of a false and odious comparison to apartheid-era South Africa.''
In a pro-divestment column published in U.S. newspapers in June, South African Nobel laureate and former Archbishop Desmond Tutu drew parallels between Palestinians under occupation and blacks who lived in segregated districts during apartheid....
Palestinian lawmaker Hanan Ashrawi said she was encouraged. "It will begin to get people to question their assumptions,'' Ashrawi said, noting American Jews were among the "people of courage and wisdom'' who have signed divestment petitions. One is Karen Brodkin, a UCLA anthropologist. She said in a telephone interview she did not condone Palestinian violence, but believed "the more powerful of the two sides has a responsibility to do something.''
Ilan Pappe, a Jewish Israeli political scientist, sees clear parallels between his country and apartheid South Africa." The only thing that can end the Israeli occupation is outside pressure,'' Pappe said.
Desmond Tutu gave permission to circulate and publish his article supporting divestment (see Exhibit 22).
Links to Boycott and Divestment Campaigns
Main BDS Movement website
Palestinian Campaign for Cultural and Academic Boycott of Israel
Boycott Israeli Goods Campaign, UK
Boycott Israeli Goods Campaign, USA
InMinds, Europe Campaign
Matzpun, Israel
(Largest British Labor Union) UNISON pledges support for Palestine
The Transport and General Workers Union, UK, joins the Boycott Campaign
Stop US Tax-funded Aid to Israel Now, US
Israeli citizens call in support of BDS
Italy Campaign
Norway Campaign
Boot Caterpillar
Caterpillar Campaign, US
Academics For Justice
Spanish Boycott Campaign
University Divestment Campaigns
Stanford University
University of Wisconsin Divest from Israel Campaign
Columbia University
Ohio State
St. Lawrence Univ
Tufts University
University of California
University of Florida
Univ Illinois
University of Maryland
Univ Michigan
University of Pennsylvania
Wayne State
Yale University
Other divestment campaigns are at over 30 other campuses
Articles and statements related to boycotts and divestments
Only a boycott will persuade Israelby Ayala Shani & Ofer Neiman
Declaration of Israeli Citizens in Support of Boycotts
Jews for boycotting Israeli goods
Progressive Jews say calling for Israeli boycott not antisemitic
International Court of Justice Ruling on the Israeli Apartheid/segregation Wall
Palestinian Civil Society Calls for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel Until it Complies with International Law and Universal Principles of Human Rights
Steven Rose: Why pick on Israel? Because its actions are wrong
Why Israel? by Jason Kunin
We Deserve the British Academic Boycott! by Benny Tziper - June 4th 2007 Translated Rann Bar-On English posted at Benny Tziper
original Hebrew at
UN adopts Palestinian Civil Society Call
Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE)
New England Conference of the United Methodist Church issues recommendations for divestment
Call for boycott of Israel surfaces at U.B.C., Vancouver, Canada June 26, 2007 Lawrence Boxall
Israeli citizens call in support of BDS
It`s Not the Boycott, Stupid, It`s the Occupation by Uri Ram
United Nations meeting in support of Middle East peace concludes with adoption of action plan by civil society to end occupation
The Palestinian Medical Crisis (read also a response from the Israel Medical Association and reply from Horton)
Architects and the Israel boycott
Significant Victory on Boycott Front in Ireland, by Sean Clinton, Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Veterans for Peace endrse economic measures against Israel
Britains National Association of Teachers in higher education
Do I Divest, By Desmond Tutu
Divestment: A Curiously Strong Moral Activity Article by Dr. Paul Beran
'Don't buy fruits of Occupation' in Belgium
Gaza University Teachers� Association calls for academic and cultural boycott of Israel
Divestment: for the Sake of Palestine and Israel by Fayyad Sbaihat, Badger Herald
Students want U-M to divest from Israel: Dearborn student government group wants the school to cease interaction with firms doing business with Israel.
Paul J. Balles voices his shame at the silence of world civic leaders - professors, ministers, attorneys, medical professionals, judges - in the face of the crimes committed by Israel and its patron, the USA.
Article by Desmond Tutu & Ian Urbina
Papers from the conference held at SOAS, London - December 2004
On divestment, even failure breeds success By Paul Beran
Its not the boycott stupid its the occupation
Global Boycott of Israel, Palestine Monitor
Episcopal Church Divestment Resolutions,
Statement by the Presbyterian Church
Resolution by the world Council of Churches on Divestmnt/Boycotts
United Methodist Resolution
To end the violence, Presbyterians must back divestment
Kenyan Anglican Church backs divestment from Israel
United Methodist Church Virginia Resolution
World Council of Churches calls for divestment from Israel By Haaretz Service and Reuters. The World Council of Churches, the main global body uniting non-Catholic Christians, encouraged members Tuesday to sell off investments in companies profiting from Israeli control of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Boycott Starbucks
The United Church of Christ joined the long list of Churches calling on Israel to tear down the wall and supporting divestments as tools to end Israeli occupation (two resolutions passed July 2005 and posted at ). The resolution on on the wall reads in part "the 25th General Synod of the United Church of Christ calls upon the Israeli government to cease the project to construct the barrier, tear down the segments that have already been constructed, and make reparations to those who have lost homes, fields, property, and/or lives and health due to the barrier and its effects as security for both peoples can best be achieved through an end to the occupation and efforts to encourage access and contact, rather than restricting and denying it;..." The one on using economic pressure "calls upon the Covenanted Ministries, Pension Boards, United Church Foundation, Conferences, local churches and members to use economic leverage, including, but not limited to: advocating the reallocation of US foreign aid so that the militarization of the Middle East is constrained; making positive contributions to groups and partners committed to the non-violent resolution of the conflict; challenging the practices of corporations that gain from the continuation of the conflict; and divesting
from those companies that refuse to change their practices of gain from the perpetuation of violence, including the Occupation.."
We Deserve the British Academic Boycott! by Benny Tziper - June 4th 2007 Translated Rann Bar-On
original Hebrew at
Israeli Prof Ilan Pappe in support of Academic Boycotts
(Jewish academic) Steven Rose: Why pick on Israel? Because its actions are wrong. Academic freedom, it appears, applies to Israelis but not to Palestinians
The Israeli Boycott of Palestinian Education By LAURA RIBEIRO
Shin Bet security service bars Gazan from studying overseas By Amira Hass, Haaretz Correspondent
High Court has been wrongly besmirched By Amira Hass
David Wildman Link piece (PDF)
The Israel boycott is biting
Lecturers vote for boycott of Israeli universities, The Guardian
PACBI: Boycotting Israeli Apartheid Back on the Agenda, May 30, 2007
Virginia Tilley on Beacon of Hope? Apartheid Israel.
Worse Than Apartheid by Chris Hedges, Truthdig 19 December 2006
David Wildman Link piece on divestment (PDF file)
Prof Francis Boyle In Defense of Divestments, Counterpunch
Divestment & boycotts a moral necessity Article by Qumsiyeh in Tikkun Magazin
Time to Apply South Africa Remedy to Israel Article in New Haven Register
Divestment: for the Sake of Palestine and Israel by Fayyad Sbaihat, Badger Herald
Article by Desmond Tutu & Ian Urbinac
Church withdraws investments in Caterpillar (used by Israel for home demolitions)
City of Seattle Divestment
Artists boycott
Frequently Asked Boycott Questions
Shamai Leibowitz (an Israeli Human Rights Lawyer who served in the Israeli army) tells us why we should divestsee also his article in the Nation Magazine
Belgian High Tech Company Boycotts Israel for war crimes
Prof Tanya Reinhardt Urges Divestment
Ali Abnimah on overstating the case for non-violence
Actions against Israeli war crimes in Spain
...and Turkey
Boycott action in Greece
Greens See Promise in Non-Violent Protest Efforts by Palestinians, Express Support for Hunger Strike by Political Prisoners.
Statement from The Network of Christian Organizations in Bethlehem district (NCOB) on Israel and divestments
Palestine: More than "just" divestment by Zeev bin Natan
Article by an ex-Israeli on the need for academic boycott
Joe Levine's article in Columbus Dispatch, Divestment for Peace
Jewish Professors Keep Divestment Drive Alive, Boston Globe
Film festival drops Israel as sponsor to protest attack
Faculty Urge Divestment From Israel
Limmerick (Ireland) council considering Caterpillar free Zone
A Palestinian farmer plea for boycotts
Zionist panic on divestment: and
Zionist list of their own products to "buy"
Back to Activist Manual
South African apartheid and Israel/Palestine Apartheid
"It will be a tragedy - for Israelis, Palestinians and the world - if peace is rejected and a system of oppression, apartheid, and sustained violence is permitted to prevail."
Jimmy Carter, Former US President, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid - Simon & Schuster 2006
"I've been very deeply distressed in my visit to the Holy Land; it reminded me so much of what happened to us black people in South Africa."
Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace Prize winner, 29 April 2002 The Guardian
"We declare Israel as a racist, apartheid state in which Israel's brand of apartheid as a crime against humanity."
United Nations World Congress Against Racism NGO Forum Declaration 2001
"The Jews took Israel from the Arabs after the Arabs had lived there for a thousand years. In that, I agree with them, Israel, like South Africa, is an apartheid state." Hendrik Verwoerd South African Prime Minister 1958-66 ("Architect of apartheid")
23 November 1961, Rand Daily Mai
Pictures from Switzerland-Israel game of 2005, Basel
