Chat rooms and blogs
These are web based communication sites were members can type messages which are posted to other members. Usually, they require subscribing and are monitored for content (thus can have delay in posting). Some chat rooms are open and allow direct communications. Many web sites like to have them because they increase traffic to the site. One advantage is that message threads can be generated and messages logged in and searched. Another advantage is that members do not receive a flood of email messages in their inbox.
In operating a listserve or a chatroom, the group or individual responsible should consider setting some guidelines for postings and perhaps guidelines for rejection of any posts (in moderated lists). These guidelines if democratically adopted and fair can make the list much more productive. Having decided on mission, goals, and how best to communicate can get the list started but is not a guarantee of success. Building the list and maintaining it and ensuring it relates to action on the ground are the final three ingredients in this.
Web logs (Blogs) are becoming increasingly popular ways of groups of people to interact almost in real time at teh web. Much can be accomplished by putting your message out on teh internet. But be careful not to spend too much time in fruitless back and forth discussion. Try to optimize your time.
To find relevant chat rooms or blogs, just run an internet search (e.g. google) using keywords ike Palestine, Middle East combined with chat or blog. |