Exhibit 3
Zionist Organizations Target the media
Through programs, publications and contact with officials, ADL interprets Israel to U.S. policy-makers, the media and the American public. ADL seeks to explain the political and security issues confronting Israel, to educate about the complexities of the peace process, to urge support of Israel and to explain why a strong Israel is important and valuable to the United States and the Western world. The League also combats efforts to de-legitimize Israel by the Arab world, the international community and the media. ADL's Israel Office hosts fact-finding missions to Israel for American government leaders and other opinion-molders.
Editorials in U.S. Newspapers Overwhelmingly Support Israel. A survey of editorials of the nation’s largest circulation daily newspapers has found overwhelming support and sympathy for Israel’s position in the series of clashes that have erupted in the Middle East during the last few weeks. More
ADL Survey Finds Editorial Cartoonists Overwhelmingly Criticize Palestinians in Mideast Crisis. The editorial pages of the nation’s major newspapers have featured three times as many cartoons bluntly criticizing Yasir Arafat and the Palestinians for the recent violence in the Middle East compared with editorial cartoons blaming Israel, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) found in a random survey of large circulation papers and syndicates.
CAMERA (from http://world.std.com/~camera/docs/welcome.html)
Welcome to CAMERA
The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America is a non-denominational, educational organization devoted to promoting accurate and balanced coverage of Israel and the Middle East. Members hold diverse political views, but are united in opposing media bias and misinformation.
The dangers of media distortion
Public opinion ultimately shapes public policy. Defamatory news coverage threatens U.S.-Israel relations and Israel's security. Additionally, by fostering false impressions of Israel and Jewish heritage, media distortion fuels anti-Semitism, an affront to all fair-minded Americans.
The scope of the problem
Anti-Israel bias can be found everywhere from college radio stations to network television, from community newspapers to national magazines, and, of course, on the internet. In recent years misinformation about the Middle East has also surfaced in encyclopedias, professional reference works, geography textbooks, travel guides, and even dictionaries.
How CAMERA responds to distorted coverage
CAMERA systematically monitors, documents, reviews and archives Middle East coverage. Staffers directly contact journalists and publishers concerning distorted or inaccurate coverage. We offer proof, facts and information in an effort to educate journalists who may have unwittingly fallen victim to anti-Israel propaganda. CAMERA members are encouraged to write letters both to the publication or network, and to the sponsors or advertisers. If corrections and improved coverage are not forthcoming, we publicize the faulty reporting and the journalist's refusal to admit error. CAMERA's unique combination of rigorous fact-checking, careful analysis, and grassroots efforts have had a documented impact.
How are CAMERA members kept informed?
Members receive a variety of publications, including:
The CAMERA Media Report
Action alerts detailing specific media misrepresentations
The CAMERA Media Directory, containing addresses, phone numbers, and fax numbers of major media outlets.
In addition, staffers respond regularly to specific information requests from members.
CAMERA's work is frequently cited in the secular and Jewish press, and in journalism reviews.
CAMERA on college campuses
Increasingly campuses have been the scenes of rancorous attacks against Israel. Distorted literature, antagonistic speakers and inflammatory images have become quite common, creating harmful misperceptions of Israel. On some campuses the hostile anti-Israel
environment has clearly eroded support for Israel. Among some Jewish students on these campuses it has led to a loss of Jewish identity and self-esteem.
In response to this assault on Israel's legitimacy we publish CAMERA on Campus, which provides essential, targeted information about Israel and the Middle East to 30,000 college students on more than 400 campuses in the United States and Canada. In some areas, it is
the only counterpoint to anti-Israel campaigns
CAMERA also offers a popular internship program for students.
How you can help
You can help fight anti-Israel media distortions by:
Contributing to CAMERA. CAMERA is 501(c)(3) nonprofit and contributions are fully tax-deductible.
Responding to CAMERA Action Alerts
Distributing CAMERA publications and Action Alerts to your friends, synagogue or church, Jewish
Community Center, school, and civic organizations.
Sponsoring CAMERA on Campus at the college or university of your choice. |