Exhibit 5
Use and misuse of terminology
The lack of context, providing no maps and not speaking about certain taboo topics (Jewish opposition to Zionism, the occupation or dispossession of the Palestinians, refugees) is only part of the problem of some coverage. The other is the use of terminology that as Robert Fisk said "coverage that makes the killing possible." Here are examples of what seems to be the effective use of terminology by many in the pro-Zionist media.
Anti-Semite: new definition=Person who condemns Israeli violations of Palestinian civil and human rights.
Arab: Originally , any one who speaks Arabic regardless of their religion (Christian, Muslim, Jew etc). New definition: someone who is on the "other side" from Israeli/Zionist agenda. Can use to generalize e.g. Arab media, Arab violence etc.
Attack/bombing/murder: Acts the Palestinians commit when directed at Israelis
Attacker: Any Palestinian engaging in any form of resistance (violent or not). Also see terrorist.
Authoritarian: Use for Palestinian governments and leaders. Avoid characterizing Israeli governments with any terms except democratic ally.
Brutal/cowardly/ghastly: adjectives describing attacks on Israelis
Caught in the Crossfire: When Palestinian civilians or Internationals are killed by Israeli forces and no other excuse is available
Civilians: Use selectively and carefully. Armed settlers are civilians when killed as are most other Israeli casualties. Rarely or never used for Palestinians even when 90% of the victims are non-combatants. Avoid clarifying that Israeli forces do not use the word civilian for any of the hundreds of civilians killed in the past year and a half. Do not use the word civilian at all in regard to Palestinians if at all possible.
Clashes: This is a difficult term to understand but is generally used when Palestinians are intentionally killed by Israelis so the words to use is "died in clashes"
Colonialism: avoid using, invalid word
Conflict (as in "Arab Israeli conflict"): use for making it appear that there is a parity between occupier and occupied, colonizer and ethnically cleansed natives. See also Arab.
Democratic ally: synonym for Israel (avoid discussing the basic laws of Israel which are racist)
Disputed Areas: Any Palestinian or Arab land occupied by Israel in defiance of International law. Encouraged use especially when speaking about Palestinian intransigence.
Escalation: Any act of violence or resistance by the Palestinians
Jewish: used in Jewish state, Jewish people, Jewish army, Jewish settlers etc to make generalizations by Zionists (as if they represent Jews) but forbidden if identical usage sheds a negative light (e.g. cannot use Jewish and violence or terrorism in same sentence unless Jews are the victims of this violence or terrorism).
Measures (e.g. Economic measures, security measures): Any acts the Israelis commit (blockades, collective punishment, shelling neighborhoods, starving a population etc) even when violating human rights (the words Human rights should not be mentioned)
Murdered: When Israeli Civilians are killed. Murder is never to be used for Palestinian deaths.
Neighborhoods: Israeli colonies on confiscated Palestinian lands that house Jews only. Use the term especially when those areas are targeted by shooting.
Occupation: see colonialism
Positions: Any Palestinian towns and villages especially when bombed by helicopter gunships or raked with large caliber machine guns
Retaliation: When Israeli army or settlers kill Palestinians, Palestinains never "retaliate" but only "attack"
Security: Anything the Israeli government chooses to do. This can include land confiscation, extra-judicial killings, home demolitions, destruction of groves, uprooting trees, blockades etc. the term security is reserved for use only with the word Israel or Israeli and must never be applied to Palestinians.
Self-defense: Any act of violence by Israelis
Targeted killing: older term is assassination but avoid using the older term
Targets: Palestinian buildings, homes, and offices - What the Israeli military designates as military targets
Terrorist/Terrorism: Equated to Palestinian and generally relates to any act short of surrender by the Palestinians (include children throwing stones at tanks)
Tragedy: Any Israeli death, does not apply in any way to massacres or expulsion of Palestinians (which according to the Z Dictionary never happen)
Under siege: Again a term for use by the Israelis as in Palestinians have put Israelis under siege. Exact meaning depends on the circumstances. Never use for Palestinian towns or villages.
Victims: Any Jewish Israeli, never used for Palestinians
When to use Passive voice: if the violent action is committed by Israelis (e.g. 2 Palestinians were killed in clashes). When to use active voice: if the action is committed by Palestinians (e.g. Palestinians killed a Jewish child, Palestinians kills teenager).
While reporting about Israelis use the affirmative tone: "2 Israelis were injured", while reporting about Palestinians use the verbs claimed, say etc. "Palestinians say woman dies of teargas inhalation in West Bank" (e.g. Ha'aretz)
Names must be included for any Jewish victims, always avoid names for Muslim or Christian victims but use numbers in stead (remember in the passive voice, e.g. 2 Palestinians died in clashes).
When an Israeli is killed, it is important to note his or her profession, where he/she is from and was going, whether or not he/she is religious, and whether or not he/she is an immigrant from the U.S. or Russia. If the dead person is survived by a spouse and children, this should be noted. If the victim is a youngster, the school they attended should be mentioned, and their friends' feelings should be noted. in general, people who knew the dead person should testify to their humanity.
When an Israeli is killed, it is useful to include graphic descriptions of the death scene - the covered body, the fragments of flesh, the path of flowing blood, and so on. Always try to include useful empathetic data: mother of, uncle to, good teacher, husband etc.
When Palestinians are killed: If you have to mention it at all, Palestinians should not be personalized in any way. Liberally use militants of terrorists rather than names or faces.
Other words to avoid: International law, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Self Determination, Human Rights, ethnic cleansing, and natives. |