Martin Luther King
Zionists have posted a fake quote from MLK Jr that claims he supported Zionism. This cannot be further from the truth
See Tim Wise's article titled "Fraud Fit for a King" for info on this fraud.
MLK Jr in his own words illustrate clearly that he would be against the so called PATRIOT act and any discrimination, wars and oppression (all supported by AJC, ADL, and other Zionist outfits in the US that spread lies):
Letter from Birmingham Jail and
I have a dream speech in DC
Below is a letter written by MLK to an Egyptian Christian during the Suez crisis when Israel with help of France and Britain invaded Egypt and occupied the Sinai (until Eisenhauer stepped in and demanded a retreat). The letter reveals MLK support lied with Egypt not with "the colonial and imperial powers". I followed the letter with two other relevant items received from Beshai.