Palestine 2006
Visit to Palestine July 2006
Atwani Village near Hebron. Blue tenting is site of demolished mosque. School in foreground. Settlement upper left. Children beaten regularly by settlers and protected by CPT.
Balata Refugee Camp, Children Practicing Dabka

Asaad AbuHijlah (Public Relations, Alnajah) and Mayor of Nablus with visiting delegation

Apartheid Wall in the Har Homa area and Israeli burning of brush in the area and mountain scraping (environnmmental destruction)
Intent is to build three hotels and regional hospital to expand economic colonization in area

Apartheid Wall

"Gate" in Apartheid wall obviously not used at all now as Israel only used the presence of these "gates" to get court approval

labor leaders in Ramallah

Palestinian Village entrance blocked to traffic for years by Israel in the form of "earth mound barrier"

Lecture given to PASOK (Largest Greek left political party), University of Athens, attended by Ambassadors from Arab Countries

Palestinian women in traditional costumed at a wedding
