Wheels of Justice 2005
Some notes along the way are posted at Human Rights Blog 2005, and http://www.davelippman.com/touring.html
The tour continues and seeks your support in the form of donations and invitations
(note: some names and locations not listed, please let me know if you want your name or the location identified on the captions)

Dan Pearson (bus manager) and David Lippman (speaker and entertainer) tabling at Student Union

The Wheels of Justice always parks in prminent locations on campuses

Mazin giving talk

Nargila break. Dan, Brad (bus driver), host, David

Joining Demonstration at busy intersection downtown

Olive wood sold

Bob (bus driver), Dan, and a hispanic family who attended the talk

Dozens of students stoppeed by to check our table on campus

Hosted for Arabic food by two Palestinian women in Salt Lake City

Mahan with bus parked at Student Union in University, Salt Lake City

Welcoming band at Church in Salt Lake City

Kelly and her dog (well behaved bus mascott)

High School Students

High School Students

High School Students

At the Sabeel Conference in Denver, Colorado, Kelly, Dan, Mazin, Bob
From The SPRING WOJ Tour

Highschool students visit the bus in Tulsa, Oklahoma after we preseted at classes April 15, 2005

Tax Protest April 15 in Tulsa, Oklahoma

Tax Protest April 15 in Tulsa, Oklahoma

Phillips Theological Seminary, 4/14/05

Being Presented with Eagle Feather, Tahlequah, Oklahoma, 4/16/05

At a Powwow in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, Elder Native American supported, 4/16/05

Mazin, Ceylon, and Bill at Fayetteville, Arkansas just after presentation 4/19/05

Picnic, music (hispanic band shown), food, and teach-in at Ft Smith Arkansas
(raised money for the bus). Over 100 attended. 4/17/05

At Scholastica Monastary with some of the nuns, Ft. Smith, Arkansas, 4/17/05

Marshaltown, IA with some of the town residents 4/23/05

Student classes at University in Cedar Falls, IA
Bottom: At Chris's colorfall dorm room near the University

Filling up with Biodiesel (Soybean Oil), in Missouri en route to Illinois 4/27/05

Houston Know Justice, Know Peace Conference
Azmi Bshara seated
Paul Findley, Mazin Qumsiyeh
Palestinian Folk Dance at Arab Community Center
The Wheels of Justice tour will continue in August |