Human Rights and the Israeli-Palestinian Struggle By Mazin B. Qumsiyeh--Pluto Press (London & Sterling, Virginia), 2004
There is no more compelling and dramatic unfolding story with more profound international ramifications than the conflict in the Middle East. Over five million Palestinian refugees were created and almost an equal number of new immigrants and settlers came under the banner of Zionism. The unrest and injustices created have ramifications for all humanity as seen in recent events. This book brings a critical documentation of these events and the core issues of the conflict with the view that human rights are key to any plans for a lasting peace. There is a growing interest in a vision and a roadmap for peace based on Human Rights among Israelis, Palestinians, and human rights activists around the world. A shared future is increasingly recognized as far more realistic than separation and continued injustice. This book examines facts on the ground and articulates future directions based on the logic of equality and human rights rather than apartheid. The advocated solutions are not only moral, ethical, and humane but can actually achieve a lasting and just peace. People who now live in this land of Canaan and those dispossessed from it will find the roadmap presented here compelling. This book examines evolution of the conflict in Israel/Palestine and articulates future directions based on the logic of equality and human rights rather than apartheid. The advocated moral, ethical, and humane solutions can achieve a lasting and just peace. People who now live in this land of Canaan and those dispossessed from it will find the text compelling. Another issue addressed in the book is such things as sustainable development and impossibility of separating resources for two countries in the same area. Recent plans confirm this as shown in this report on Water in Palestine.
"An erudite work of extensive scholarship, enormous scope, searing honesty, and intellectual audacity. Mazin Qumsiyeh, once again, is challenging the prevailing misconceptions, facile generalizations, and downright ignorance that have long served to obscure Palestinian realities, and, consequently, to prevent the articulation of a just solution. Breathtaking!" Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, previous Palestinian Minister of Higher Education, Bir Zeit University and
"Mazin Qumsiyeh brings to light many forgotten and willfully buried facts about the origins of the Israel-Palestinian conflict." Dr. Norman Finkelstein
"A tour de force by a brilliant scientist who debunks entrenched myths standing in the way of the only logical and compassionate peace based on sharing,integration, co-existence,and equality rather than separation and ghettoization. It is a welcome addition to the growing literature on one of the most complex issues of our times." Dr. Naseer Aruri, Professor Emeritus and author of "Dishonest Broker"

Figure 2 from Book: This is the first depiction of the shrinking map of Palestine which was developed by Prof. Qumsiyeh and his son (based on shrinking map of USA) and then was adopted and used widely around the world.
Errata on the first edition
pg. 28 First full sentence: change "are not challenged" to "are now challenged"
pg. 53 Line 9: change "greater" to "lesser"
pg. 59, Line 20: "by the Maccabees." should read "by the Hasmoneans."
pg.69 second paragraph, 4th line should read "after whom a town in Australia is named.)"
pg. 212 4th line: change "Romanian Christians" to "Armenian Christians" |
About Qumsiyeh
The Ambassadors July 2004
Professor Elaine Hagopian November 2004
Sara Powell in the Washington Report March 2005
Ghada Talhami Review MEPC, Summer '05
Anis Hamadeh review, English & German
Michael R. Fischbach in JPS
German version review
other book comments
Brief Review Excerpts
"Here comes this book, as a breath of fresh air. The author, a well-known human rights activist, defies all odds and proposes a scheme of coexistence. He envisages a pluralistic society in which human dignity and rights are respected. He eloquently and gently guides you through the maze of obstacles towards the natural and sensible solution of coexistence." From the Forward by Dr. Salman Abu Sitta
"Free, fair and democratic elections in the occupied territories might make many misguided Israelis and Americans feel good, but the fact remains that Oslo ushered in an era of aggressive Israeli land grabs. Is a separate, viable and fully sovereign Palestinian state still possible? Many moderate and wise scholars who have devoted a great deal of research and honest thought to examining the situation think otherwise. For instance, "Sharing the Land of Canaan," by Mazin B. Qumsiyeh, carefully studies human rights and the Israeli-Palestinian struggle. His conclusion is that a shared state is the best way to achieve justice and peace for Israelis and Palestinians. As his book is not a mystery novel, I feel that it is fair to give away the ending: "We can either remain locked in our old mythological and tribal ways, or we can envision a better future and work for it. The choice is obvious." Anne Selden Annab, Mechanicsburg, Pa., Jan. 12, 2005, Published Letter in NY Times
"Professor Qumsiyeh, a distinguished Yale University geneticist and highly respected Palestinian activist, contributes in this study some scholarly and thought-provoking new insights into the Israeli-Palestinian struggle. This book is "must-reading" for those who are interested in the Arab-Israeli conflict." Norton Mezvinsky, CSU University Professor, Central Connecticut State University, co-author of "Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel"
Other comments maybe found in Reports and Testimonials
We can arrange book signing and lectures about this issue. Author's recent appearances are listed under Invited Talks Given. To arrange such events or inquire about closest future appearances, contact In Europe, copies are available through Pluto Press or in the US through Palgrave Macmillan, Amazon, Google Books, Barnes and Noble.